Friday, 21 June 2013


Dresden 14th-17th June

Our Dresden train initially starts in Budapest, terminating at Hamburg. It was 20 mins late arriving in Prague hl n, and we arrived in Dresden well over an hour after we should have - the first time that the flooding had affected our journey. People on the train were a bit mardy about it but we didn't mind, although Dan had the window seat so I was running out of places to look without accidentally making eye-contact with the girl sat opposite me. Anyway, apparently the flooding is still affecting a lot of this region.

We spent the next day walking around Dresden. It was pretty much flattened during WW2, and the blackened buildings are those that remained standing but were scorched by the bombing. Most of it is rebuilt. Our host told us there was a lot of parties and festival stuff going on. The town got a bit rowdy, with a lot of drunk blokes in groups around shouting at everyone - it ended up looking a bit rough so we headed back.

We planned to go to Saxon-Switzerland on Sunday, but all the S-bahns were cancelled due to the flooding. The were only about 4 trains that day passing through the area, and they were the long distance trains similar to the one we arrived on - all with a 40min delay. In the end we gave it a miss as those trains weren't well timed for returning home. Annoyingly, when we went into the station late afternoon to buy our seat reservations for later in the journey, we discovered those S-bahns were in fact running - annoyed!

We spent Sunday afternoon walking through Großer Garten park where we bought hotdogs then lazed around on the grass reading.

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